Heartwood Church: A New Name That Carries on a Legacy

By Andy Springer


October 19, 2023

Its been five years (October 2018), since the inauguration of Heartwood Church. Leading up to that Sunday afternoon, many discussions were had regarding the big move. For years, and in recent months, talk of changing the church’s name was given serious consideration. The day came and it was determined that the members of the church wanted a new name that would give honor to the previous 34 years of ministry that had been conducted on the 4689 Snyder Lane property. The name also needed to make way for the future growth that the church was expecting to encounter as God continued His blessing. Along with these considerations was the fact that the church’s property was located on the very southeast edge of the “H” section of Rohnert Park, and it was thought that we should do all we could to come up with a name that started with an “H."

After months of praying and considering ideas, it happened. God did it!!! We finally had a name; a name that fit every concern we had. During a special prayer walk experience two guests approached Pastor Andy separately and asked, “Has your church ever considered a name change? One even suggested a name… Heartwood. Pastor Andy was amazed! He remembers asking, “Where did you come up with such a great name?” The person responded, “It’s right there, on the street sign.” God had literally given us a sign. It was a street sign, but we’d take it.

The members of the Snyder Lane Baptist Church gathered together in a special meeting to vote to rename and to reorganize their church. Because the number of members who were currently part of Snyder Lane was outnumbered by the number of new and potentially new member being added to the rolls on that Sunday, Pastor Andy and the leadership team constructed the agenda for that meeting so that the current members would be voting about the name change before the new members would be voted in as members. After a motion from our very own, Will Mashtalier and a second from Paul Van Peborgh, the members voted and officially changed the name of the church from Snyder Lane Baptist Church to Heartwood Church.

On that day, members were added to the church and a “2020 Vision Statement” was presented. This vision highlighted the beliefs that still drive our church today. Because of this vision’s core values of building for those coming behind and partnering together in something bigger and better, we are being used of God to create a place where people can experience love from the heart, hope for life and a place to belong.

We believe Heartwood Church to be providentially created and to be centric to our community’s existence and future. For almost 40 years, this church has been used of God to minster to hurting people. Just as a tree’s “heartwood” consists of the historical account of that tree and abides in place to support the future growth of that tree, may we continue working together to make it possible for all who encounter Heartwood Church to be blessed by her beauty, strength and majesty, to the glory of God, now and into eternity.

Let us continue the celebration!!! Let us remain committed to serving, helping and supporting the people within our community and beyond.

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